Please click this demo site or contact us under 081 3195137.

The system uses real-time tracking (optionally every 3 or 60 seconds), but records data for accident-analysis second by second and stores it for up to 18 months.

No - the tracker will be completely hidden after installation. No cable, sensor, housing etc is visible, which impedes tampering and theft of the units.

No - we do not cut, strip or physically connect to any sensor cables in your vehicle. The complete sensor technology of the system works wireless or has own sensors.

Yes - reports can be drawn at any time for any time period, for single vehicles, vehicle groups and drivers. They can be either downloaded as HTML, sent via e-mail or be converted to Excel. There are Alarm/Email Notification, Buzzer, Impact, Fuel usage, Vehicle Detail, Overspeeding and Performance reports available.
Not the report you are looking for? We can design customised reports for your special requirements as well.
Not the report you are looking for? We can design customised reports for your special requirements as well.

No - there are no contract obligations. You can stop our services whenever you like.

Yes - you can change the package whenever you want.

No - there are no additional fees for alarms, notifications etc. Only the monthly fees apply.

Yes - all NamTrack units have lifelong total warranty (except internal battery). Whenever there is any malfunction we will repair it for free.

No - the unit will automatically disconnect from the battery of the vehicle.

Yes - the system will immediately send a 'Power Cut' notification to the fleet manager and continue working with the internal battery.

Yes - you can install native apps for Android (Play Store) and IOS (App Store) for free.

Yes - the system is able to manage 4 additional customised functions.

There are two stages of data integrity:
First, we are using TLS 1.2 standard, providing a high security 256-bit encryption. Additionaly we added a 256-bit AES encryption, where the user himself can change the secret key. Both standards in combination achieve highest security for your private and business data. Even modern supercomputers are not able to decipher this encryption.
First, we are using TLS 1.2 standard, providing a high security 256-bit encryption. Additionaly we added a 256-bit AES encryption, where the user himself can change the secret key. Both standards in combination achieve highest security for your private and business data. Even modern supercomputers are not able to decipher this encryption.

Yes - we provide a very open and flexible RESTful Web Service.

Up to 42 sensors are permanently measuring and recording the current vehicle status. The system is active 24/7 while moving and even while parking. We record every incident second by second. Linear and radial acceleration data are recorded 5 times per second to get higher resolution for accident evaluation.

When the vehicle enters an area without cell coverage, all the data (second by second) will be stored in an internal memory for up to 18 months. After retrieving a mobile signal again, all the data will be post-delivered, so that there will be no gaps in the track.

NamTrack has an active road-type and a day/night detection. The fleet manager can determine the speed limits for the different road types (tar, gravel, salt) and the limit during night. In addition you can enter a 4x4 speed limit as well.

With Dual-SIM, the system operates with at least 2 providers in each country in the SADC. Our global SIM cards cover 178 countries worldwide.

The system provides the data of the last 3 years.