Comparison List

Life tracking features Realtime Discovery Voyager
Track online via internet yes yes yes
True path display yes yes yes
Data recording features Realtime Discovery Voyager
Fixed sensors 10 15 29
Customisable sensors not available not available 20
Sensor types not available not available CAN, analog, digital, variable, frequency, PWM
Data Collection every second every second every second
Recording capacity 18 months 18 months 18 months
Speed yes yes yes
Date and Time yes yes yes
Position and altitude yes yes yes
Acceleration data not available 3D-acceleration 6D-acceleration
Battery voltage yes yes yes
Ignition on/off yes yes yes
Engine start/stop not available not available yes
Declination and inclination not available yes yes
Trip distance yes yes yes
Notifications and Alarms Realtime Discovery Voyager
Self programmable notifications and alarms yes yes yes
Tar road overspeeding yes yes yes
Gravel and salt road overspeeding yes yes yes
4x4 overspeeding not available yes yes
Night overspeeding yes yes yes
Town overspeeding not available not available yes
Illegal towing yes yes yes
Pothole speeding not available yes yes
Excessive cornering not available yes yes
Excessive braking not available yes yes
Impact alert not available yes yes
Engine overrevving not available yes yes
Engine overtemp not available yes yes
Ignition on/off yes yes yes
Engine start/stop not available not available yes
Low battery yes yes yes
Battery dis-/re-connected yes yes yes
Geo-fencing yes yes yes
SOS-button yes yes yes
Curfew alert yes yes yes
Backup battery capacity low not available not available yes
Border crossing not available not available yes
Day/night not available not available yes
Excessive idling not available not available yes
Jamming detection not available not available yes
Vehicle overturned not available not available yes
Vehicle is parking not available not available yes
Device tampering not available yes yes
Customisable alarms not available not available 4
Acoustical driver warnings Realtime Discovery Voyager
Self programmable acoustical driver warnings not available yes yes
Tar road overspeeding not available yes yes
Gravel and salt road overspeeding not available yes yes
4x4 overspeeding not available yes yes
Night overspeeding not available yes yes
Illegal towing not available yes yes
Pothole speeding not available yes yes
Excessive cornering not available yes yes
Excessive braking not available yes yes
Engine overrevving not available yes yes
Engine overtemp not available yes yes
Low battery not available yes yes
Additional sensors Realtime Discovery Voyager
Road type sensor not available not available yes
Road quality sensor not available not available yes
Buzzer on/off sensor not available not available yes
Device temperature sensor not available not available yes
Free fall sensor not available not available yes
Maintenance sensor not available not available yes
Skidding and overturning sensor not available not available yes
Country sensor not available not available yes
Jamming sensor not available not available yes
Idling sensor not available not available yes
Brake position sensor not available not available yes
Throttle position sensor not available not available yes
Steering angle sensor not available not available yes
Headlight on/off sensor not available not available yes
Gear sensor not available not available yes
Seat belt sensor not available not available yes
Additional features Realtime Discovery Voyager
Detailed accident evaluation not available yes yes
Active accident prevention not available yes yes
Mobile access over native Android and iOS apps yes yes yes
Wireless CAN-bus support not available not available yes
Data export to Google Earth and Excel yes yes yes
Remote Firmware Update yes yes yes
Dual SIM slots not available not available yes
Free outputs/inputs 0/0 4/8 4/8
Digital, analog, PWM, Frequency inputs digital digital and analog all
Driver identification yes yes yes
Driver guiding mode not available not available yes
Automatic logbook yes yes yes
TLS encryption yes yes yes
Additional 256 bit AES encryption not available not available yes
No draining of car battery not available not available yes
Works with dead backup battery not available not available yes
Graphical user interface yes yes yes
Remote vehicle diagnostic interface not available not available yes
Sensor types digital, analog, internal digital, analog, internal digital, analog, internal, CAN, memory, frequency, PWM
Dynamic programmable Sensors, events, buzzers and outputs not available not available yes
Life time warranty yes yes yes


Click to test our demo tracker and get an idea of how easy and reliably NamTrack works

What you see is a vehicle on its way through Southern Africa.
Check the maximum speeds on gravel- and tar-roads and watch our system limiting the speeds to 83km/h respectively 123km/h. Search for gaps in the tracks, even in cell-uncovered areas.
For any questions you are welcome to contact us here.